‘I’m waiting’ instruction: behavioral therapist of ‘Child with Future’ kindergarten will perform at the Second International Practical Conference ‘IPAC-2020’

‘I’m waiting’ instruction – about management control’ – this is the topic that behavioral therapist, correctional psychologist, counselor, and psychotherapist Yana Yurchenko will talk about during the Second International Practical Conference ‘IPAC-2020’.

Yana Yurchenko is a specialist in the ‘Child with Future’ development kindergarten for children with special needs.

The teacher has been working with special children for over 17 years.

Therefore, after her lecture at the conference, Yana Yurchenko will be happy to answer the parents’ questions. She will help to properly assess the situation in the family and the child’s behavior and will help in building a strategy to establish management control.

The Second International Conference on autism ‘IPAC-2020’ will be held on November 21-22 and 28-29. It has changed the format to online because of the pandemic this year. The theme of the event will be inclusion and family support. 18 international and Ukrainian experts will speak at the Conference.

Learn more about the conference and how to get there: https://conf.cwf.com.ua/

We also recall that the employment of special people will be one of the key topics of the Second International Practical Conference on Autism.
