” Speaking openly about the difficult” is a new project of the IGO “Child with Future”, aimed at sharing experiences and finding answers to painful questions about autism in Ukraine. The purpose of the series of online meetings is to create an informal platform of communication about the possibility of implementing a variety of activities for children with special needs and the search for optimal ways of creating better living conditions and prospects in the Ukrainian reality.

We invite parents, professionals, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the public sector, and all not indifferent to the issues of autism and the future of autistic Ukrainians to take part in this project, whose speakers share their invaluable experience and offer interesting and, most importantly, real solutions to various issues. Informal conversations are waiting for you with caring people who have managed to create interesting projects, services, etc., which have made life easier for a family or helped a child with a disorder, solve an issue for a cohort at the local level.

” Speaking openly about the difficult” is a series of evening online meetings on the Zoom platform several times a month on weekdays, which can be joined by any registered Facebook event participant by registering directly for the event at Zoom. Follow our news and online events on our FB page.

Recordings will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the MGO “Child with Future”. Join the unique experience of those who create a world filled with love for all children!

“Запуск особливої майстерні для допрофесійної підготовки”, Наталя Івашура, 15.02.2022

“Аутизм, перехід в дорослу інвалідність, власний досвід”, Галина Крок, 27.02.2023

“Перехід в дорослу інвалідність по аутизму, батьківський досвід”, Олег Серафімович, 23.02.2023

“Аутизм в Англії: від А до Я, як отримати діагноз, інклюзію, допомогу”, Ірина Сергієнко, 29.04.2023

“Денний догляд з використанням людино-центрованого підходу. Досвід Ірландії”, Ганна Давиденко, 04.05.2024