How approaches to raising autistic children have changed in 10 years: director of the ‘Child with Future’ kindergarten gave an interview to 24 Channel

How the approaches to raising autistic children have changed over the last 10 years told the director of the ‘Child with Future’ kindergarten Natalia Struchek to the 24 Channel website.

According to her, previously everyone talked about autism at the age of 4-5 years in Ukraine, even if the family was confused by something in the behavior of their son or daughter before. And now the age of diagnosis has changed. Autism can be detected earlier – at 2-3 years of age. Although the best result will be if you start the correction even earlier.

Also, according to Natalia Struchek, if 10 years ago there were only a few specialists who diagnosed autism, and it was possible to talk about this only with a psychiatrist, now everything has changed. Both pediatricians and neurologists can point to signs of a disorder.

Parents, like 10 years ago, do not tell everyone about the diagnosis, but this only happens up to a certain age. Indeed, at an early age, this can still be hidden, but after it is already obvious that the child is different from his peers.

“The most common mistake is chasing the norm. Those children who come to us are below the level sufficient to stay in a normal environment. If a child who does not speak, does not imitate the behavior of adults at the age of 2 is placed in a regular kindergarten and everyone is waiting until he learns, this is a waste of precious time,” says Natalya Struchek.

She notes that today many autistic children get into inclusion, while previously there was no such opportunity. However, the director of the kindergarten is convinced that our education system is not ready to provide quality education for special children.

You can read the full material on how the approaches to raising autistic children have changed in the last 10 years here: