In November a Round Table was held, where the heads of special educational institutions from Lviv, Kryvyi Rig, Poltava, Klevan (Rivne region), Kyiv as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Research Institutes and Universities were discussing practical issues of reformation of boarding institutions, educational and rehabilitation centers, and integration of children with autism into the system of education.
The event was held within the frames of pedagogical experiment «Organization and methodology bases of creation of the psycho-pedagogical and social rehabilitation and integration of children with general development disorders (autism spectrum disorder)», which is being held in Ukraine now.
The head of Division of education of children with special educational needs of the Department of general secondary and pre-school education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Symonenko T.V. acquainted participants with new regulations which are being developed within the frames of implementation of the Strategy of reformation of boarding schools and according to requirements of decentralization of education.
Director of the Foundation “Child with future” Larisa Rybchenko, who is a member of expert group of the pedagogical experiment, highlighted that in spite of existence of specialized institutions for children with special needs, even in terms of reform, they need special approach. “Difficulty of work with children with autism lies in the fact that they all are different and the techniques of work with them differ from those, which are used by specialized institutions, not even speaking about ordinary schools. We hope that owing to this experiment we will launch modern approaches for education of people with autism in 4 regions and this practice will be spread further over the whole country”.
On the eve of the roundtable KaterynaOstrovska, professor of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, held a practical seminar with pedagogues of boarding school #26.During interactive communication the actual issues regarding work with children with autism spectrum disorder have been discussed. According to Kateryna, each fifth pupil of institutions refers to this category. Pedagogues, teachers, speech therapists and psychologists got acquainted with modern techniques of psychotherapeutic interaction with autistic children, phases of psychological analysis of special children`s features, main principals of cooperation with parents.