For the first time the organization which deals with problems of autism in Ukraine became a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine. Children with autism support foundation “Child with future” has been recommended to participation in the Constituent Assembly and a representative of the Foundation was selected to the composition of the Public Council.
The Public Council of the Ministry provides participation of citizens in management of government issues, helps to take into consideration public opinion during formation and implementation of the state policy in different spheres, including social protection, providing social services on family and children issues.
“The problem of autism is on the border of three ministries: health, education and science and labor and social policy. We hope that work within the frames of the Public Council of the Ministry of social policy will help to improve the quality of life of children with autism spectrum disorders in Ukraine”, – says director of the Foundation “Child with future” Larisa Rybchenko. – One of the directions of our activity is work under implementation of the program of assistance to children with autism spectrum disorders during the whole life; and due to participation in Public Councils of profile ministries it will be much easier to bring to life initiatives that are useful for people with autism spectrum disorders”.
The representative of the Foundation in public council is a Foundation project manager Galina Lozovaya. The
Children with autism support foundation “Child with future” is a part of the expert-advisory council on autism at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a part of the working group on pre-school education of children with special needs at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. During the years 2013-2014 was a member of multi-disciplinary working groups on the development of medical and health care technology for the standardization of documents relating to “Autism”. Since July, 2012 – active member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.