The International Autism Academy launched a new series of videos about the behavior of people with ASD

This summer the ‘Child with Future’ Foundation launched a new ‘International Autism Academy’ initiative. Its main function is educational. We reveal the peculiarities of autistic behavior and give advice on how to work with them and live next to them, how to help them become full-fledged members of society within the project. 

In the summer, there was a series of online streams from the International Autism Academy, which you can watch here

We present to you a series of videos from the International Autism Academy, which explain:

– how autistic people perceive the world

– how to prepare an autistic child for a new dish

– when a child should not be weaned from stims

– why an autistic child should help parents with chores

– how to teach autistic children to perceive new food

– importance of stims and whether it worth troubling with it

– how and where to make friends with other children 

– how to learn new skills most effectively and encourage special children to help parents at home.

‘Child with Future’ Foundation makes it possible not only to download videos but also to distribute and show them at various events.

Let’s give the future to our children together!

You can watch and download the video here

Earlier we talked about the first weekend of the Second International Practical Conference on Autism ‘IPAC-2020’.