Two exhibitions of space paintings by Maxim Brovchenko, a talented 10-year-old autistic boy from Berdyansk, will be held in Kiev

From 27 till 31 October 2021 and from 2 till 6 November 2021 ‘Child with Future’ Foundation will arrange two exhibitions of pictures by Maxim Brovchenko, a 10-year old schoolchild from Berdyansk, who has an extraordinary talent. The boy draws pictures about the space, writes a fantasy book, and helps people understand ‘special’ children. Maxim is autistic but does not consider himself ill. On the contrary, he can’t imagine himself in any other condition and is proud to be just that.

First location – Kyiv Municipal Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet for Children and Youth

Open time: 11:00 a.m.

Presentation: 11:30 – 14:00

Address: Kiev, Mezhigorskaya street, 2 (metro station: Kontraktova plosha)

Duration: October 27-31, 2021

Free admission


Second location – ‘LAVRA’ art gallery

Open time: 12:00 a.m.

Address: Kyiv, Lavrska street, 7v (metro station: Arsenalna)

Duration: November 2-6, 2021

Free admission

‘Child with Future’ Foundation invites children and parents, all those concerned with autism, the media, and public organizations, visitors of the capital,  and art lovers to join the cosmic beauty of the distant planet and inspire all the Ukrainian children to create and artistically express themselves, be free to demonstrate their talents and make our world more beautiful, open and tolerant. 

Ukraine got to know about this unusual boy in summer 2020 thanks to ‘Child with Future’ Foundation. Max participated in the presentation of the Ukrainian translation of Henri Bochot’s book “Blue Boy” within one of the projects of ‘Child with Future’ Foundation.

 Maxim does well at school and is really deeply interested in science for his age. Actively leads his own group on FB – “Кosmo-Max”, where he publishes various interesting things from the world of astronomy and physics. It is also a platform for all the pictures he drew, which have already received high marks from the expert environment of the Ukrainian capital.

In the future, Maxim sees himself as an astrophysicist, wants to have his own telescope and the opportunity to contemplate the starry sky with his friends from the shores of the Azov Sea. And Maksim’s cherished dream for several years in a row is to meet with Ilon Musk, who is an example in his life, and to see the launch of a spaceship with his own eyes. 

You can buy products with pictures by Maksim Brovchenko in our SPECTRE online store by clicking here.

A presentation about Maxim Brovchenko was downloaded here

Maksim participates in social projects, the boy is invited to television and is written about in the media:

 “9-year-old autistic boy from Berdyansk draws like Picasso”

“The autistic boy from Berdyansk is called the Ukrainian Picasso: his mother told about his unique talent”

Max on TV -telekanalu-tv5

An airing with Maksym and Bill Peters on TC TV5

Max in ‘Autism Today’ e-magazine /autist_newsletter_02.2021.pdf 

Max is a member of the People with ASD Project