On Dec 20, a regular plenary session of the “Autism Friendly Ukraine” National Platform was held, it was dedicated to the issues of employment of people with autism. Within the framework of the meeting, issues of additional settlement of mastering the specialty, the training of an assistant master of industrial training within the specialty “special education”, the creation of special workshops, including on-line and other important issues.
Inna Sergienko, founder of the Children with autism support foundation “Child With Future“, consul of Autism Europe, made proposals for creating motivational factors encouraging employers to employ people with special needs.
The issues of adaptation of the existing employment system to the needs of people with disabilities at different stages, from training to direct work, both in the enterprise and in the distance format, were highlighted.
Among the results of the work of the members of the Platform was the initiative to create two working groups::
– Working group on improving access to social services
– Interdepartmental working group on the creation of conditions for the employment of people with disabilities, developed
As part of the work, the participants talked about the situation in the Novo-Belitsky psycho-neurological boys’ school. The mother of the affected child, Kushnirchuk Oksana, deputy director of the social policy department of the KSCA, Olga Trubnikova, and the director of the orphanage, Viktor Zhuravsky, presented the situation in detail. The raised question determined the direction of the organization of quality supported living up to a new level. This direction will be one of the priorities for the next meetings.
Any organization wishing to join its work can become a member of the Platform. If you have such a desire – please contact info@cwf.com.ua