4 June at 10.00 at the Kontractova square 25 children with autism from Kids Autism Games project will take part in children race at 800 meters in Color run-2017. “Color run” is organized for the fourth time, but a team of autistic children participates in it firstly.
The race tracks will be lavishly painted with bright colors of holi and sparked with vigorous music from DJs! http://colorrun.com.ua/
Kids Autism Games is a joint initiative of the Foundation “Child with future”, Charitable organization “SPORT for PEACE” and the State Enterprise “National Sport Complex “Olympiyskiy”. Children have been training for more than three months every week in order to study interaction with each other through game competitions, to develop motor skills, improve physical condition and fall in love with sports.
Representative of the media can communicate to children, their parents and trainers of kids.
For accreditation, please, contact Alina Kalmykova (063)633-01-11, alinakalmykov@gmail.com