In summer 2017 Paul Cojocaru, the author of the course of physical 3C therapy, will arrive to Ukraine for the second time in order to teach specialists to use this technique. 3C therapy is based on three principals: awareness, coordination and concentration. It helps a child to understand and perceive himself, opening in this way his full potential. 90%of children (aged from 3 to 8) show good results. 3C therapy is effective for children with autism, Down Syndrome, PDD, mental retardation and other cases of psychomotor developmental delay.
Paul Cojocaru is a martial arts instructor with 20 years’ experience, 8 years from which he has been working with autistic children. For the first time Paul introduced the technique in Ukraine in summer 2016 and today the first certified specialists already practice it – work with children. You can watch the video regarding work with children on the author`s web-page https://www.facebook.com/3CTherapyDetailed information about this technique in Russian – in February issue of “Autism Today”https://cwf.com.ua/images/autism-today/autism_today_2016_02.pdfThe interview with Milan`s mother, who is engaged with the 3C therapy in June issue of “Autism Today” https://cwf.com.ua/images/autism-today/autism_today_2016_06.pdf
A recruiting of specialists up to 15 is been carrying out to a group, who have experience of work with children (as with special, so with normative ones). Any type of practice is acceptable – from psychologist`s work to teacher of physical training. The duration of the course is a month- June-July 2017 – three times per week, three hours each lesson. By the end of the course each participant will be awarded a certificate, giving the right to practice 3C therapy.
The cost of the course for specialists is 600 euro (payment in UAH according NBU exchange rate on the date of payment). Payment in installments is possible – discussed individually. The registrationis being held in two stages:
- Please register till 15 February 2017 here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DlugRotIQ7XPd5hpyTm0d_EeVhIkTBVjK_ZN4tO4vVk/edit?usp=drive_web
- If a group of 15 people will be gathered, you will receive an informational message till 28 February with a request to pay 50% of the course`s cost, contract and detailed instructions as regards the start of the course of education.
Information as to conclusion of a contract as well as answers all your questions you will receive via telephone 0503102585 (Iryna), briarwind@ya.ru