On October 25-26, the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of complex correction of autistic disorder” will be held.
On the basis of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Pedagogical University named after MP Dragomanov participants will discuss theoretical, methodological and medical aspects of care for children and teenagers with autism, remedial teaching technology, training and development of such children. Also the question of training and opportunities for inclusive forms of education will be raised.
During the operation of sections and workshops participants will discuss global medical diagnostic system and treatment of children with autism,professional and specialist psychological readiness to work with special children and more.
We invite scientists, practitioners, and graduate students.
Requires pre-registration and a charity fee of UAH 200.
Location: st. Turgenivska 8/14, second floor, auditorium.
More information on the Faculty website https://ikpp.npu.edu.ua/