At the beginning of February an exit class of the Studio of socialization “Child With Future” will be held at the petting zoo “Country YENOTiYa”, which is located in trade and entertaining center “ART Mall” (Kyiv). This zoo is unique since children can not only see animals, but pet, feed and even play with them.
Totally in “Country YENOTiYA” is represented by more than twenty types of animals and birds: raccoons, ponies, sheep, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, kangaroos, Llama, etc., as well as budgerigar, peacocks, pheasant and chicken.
Pet-therapy is very important and useful either for ordinary children or for children with peculiarities. Communication with animals often helps to increase emotional skills, to reduce anxiety and aggression, as well as just to learn to communicate with nature.
The Studio of socialization “Child With Future” is grateful to “Country YENOTiYa” for such wonderful opportunity as well as attention to our children!