March, 21-22 in Kyiv, there has been held a third seminar of the third module of a course: “Autism: problems of a complex help. The concept of TEACCH: methods and techniques”. On this stage of education the participants have passed “Usage of short-term therapy in work with persons with ASD and their families.
«This seminar has been dedicated to one of the newest technologies of psychotherapy, which is perfectly combined with the concept of TEACCH , since it reckons of different perception of the very problem, – says a coach, Doctor of Psychology, Catherine Ostrovskaya. – This technology brings autism beyond the disease and treats it as a feature of the development, making new focus on the problem at work with her parents and the people who surround the child with autism.”
Listeners from different cities of Ukraine, as well as from Russia, this time to have made the most emphasis on practical training. Articulated technique is best absorbed in practice, so the coach has made it possible to consolidate the students put theory into practice. “We looked at life situations, situations that may arise during counseling, as well as the most common cases,” – says Catherine Ostrovskaya.
All participants were satisfied with the knowledge that had the opportunity to get in two days.