This year symbols of freedom and education in Ukraine were lighted up in blue! Ukrainian Children with autism support foundation “Child with future” makes Memorial of Independence at Maydanand Ministry of Education of Ukraine part of the Light It Up Blue Celebration at World Autism Awareness Week.
“It is a great honor for all Ukrainians to joint to the Light It Up Blue Celebration. Despite of difficult times for our country we were succeed in negotiations with our officials and organized this symbolic Action. We all understand that our children need care any time. We will keep working and never stop in our desire to make long life living for children with autism in Ukraine”, Inna Sergienko, Consul of “Autism-Europe”, founder of Children with autism support foundation “Child with future” (Kiev, Ukraine)
“Today, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine atits top level and among specialists understands the urgent need for access to education for children with autism. We understand that there is much to be done for these children to realize their right for education. And we are actively working in this directionin close cooperation with NGOs. We already implemented a Preschool Program for the children with autism “Rozkvіt”, Inclusive Education Program,made a series of trainingsfor professionals and other activities. Ministry’s joining to the global initiative “Light It Up Blue!” is an expression of our deep respect to the parents of children with autism and understanding of their needs”, – says First Deputy Minister of Education of Ukraine Inna Sovsun.
April 2, the activists also made an Action “Feel yourself as an autist!” Couple dozen of peoplewear coloredglasses and showed how autists see the world. Misunderstanding of autists from the society, teachers in school and kindergartens are the key reason, why Ukrainian autists still have no possibility to study.
“My son is 7. He has autism. He can read, count and write, play with children. However he cannot go to the public school, because he needs special attention that the teacher will not be able to provide him in the ordinary class. These children need an Assistant, who can help him to understand the instructions of the teacher, understand school regime, facilitate communication with classmates, and respond to potential conflict situations. This Child’s Assistant can facilitate the work of teacher;help him with additional and unusual load. Such approach will allow the learning process to go in usual way. All we want – is that our children to be understood”- says EvgeniaPanichevskaya, head of the Association of parents of children with autism.
“As former school teacher I understand why teachers are afraid to take autists into their classes. In addition to the banal lack of autism’s knowledge they have no possibility to give a special attention to the child with autism if anything happens. Today teachers are hostages of the situation when a new Inclusive Education Program requires taking children with autism to the classes without any conditions for such children. Child’s Assistant is a real key to solve this problem and help as parents as teachers and especially children with autism”, says Larisa Rybchenko, director of the Children with autism support foundation “Child with future”