Misha Sergienko (11 years old), the son of the founder of our ” A child with a future ” foundation Inna Sergienko, will participate in such a large-scale event as the “Tomorrow-2037” conference. December 3 in the Dnieper, he will participate in a panel discussion on technology and progress in the life of adolescents – how it looks today and how things will be in 2037. Teens together will form a model of the future, which can be called smart.
Mischa Sergienko will represent an inclusive environment, since he is a special child himself – he has autism. But this does not upset and does not stop Misha – he not only copes well with his features, but also begins to deal with the advocacy of the rights of children with autism in Ukraine. In it helps and shows the example of his mother Inna Sergienko, the founder of our Foundation. The conference “Tomorrow_2037” is a platform where teenagers who live tomorrow and think in the future act.
Speakers of the conference are intelligent, open, creative. They are inventors who want to transform the economy, they are the founders of projects that are beneficial to the industry of creativity and the environment, they are not afraid to speak to a large audience and want to fly into space. These teenagers from 11 to 19 years old, they know, are able and want much more than what we once dreamed of, adults. So, we often see the generation Z as “newcomers”, whose thinking and ideas are incomprehensible.
Organizers hope that in 20 years these children will become outstanding scientists, presidents of companies and countries, famous singers, designers or advocates of human rights.