25-26 October the first International scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of complex correction of autistim spectrum disorders” will be held on the basis of the faculty of correctional pedagogics and psychology of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Inna Sergiyenko, Consul of “Autism Europe” will tell about modern world trends of help to people with autism. Director of the Foundation will speak about a system of organization of correctional aid to children with early child autism. A director of pre-school “Child with future” Nataliya Struchek will present a model of work with autistic children, elaborated on the basis of more than 5-year of the pre-school experience of work, and a leading psychologist of the pre-school Yana Yurchenko will tell about the work of correctional pedagogues of the pre-school and tools, which they use in work. Within the frames of the conference master classes are planned to be held, where Iryna Sergiyenko, a director of the Medical laboratory for work with children with special needs “Factor rozvytku” (Factor of development) will show in practice how to use developing toys and materials for work with people with autism. A rehabilitologist of the Studio of socialization “Child with future” Lyudmila Rybchenko will demostrate how to work with children with autism spectrum disorder according the 3C-therapy technique. The venue of the conference: 8/14, Turgenivska str., Kyiv, 2-nd floor, assembly hall.
The event starts at 10.00 a.m.
Registration of participants starts at 9.00 till 10.00 a.m.