On May, 16-17 in Kyiv there was held a supervision on results of the second Module of the unique of the Course: “Autism: problems of complex help. TEACCH Concept: methods and techniques”. The participators got an opportunity not only to clarify important moments of the module for themselves, but to check the quality of their knowledge.
“I`m very pleased with the supervision, – says Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Catherine Ostrovska. – Surely, it demands significantly bigger tension than usual practical tasks. We are working at not only home assignments, but separate difficulties which therapists face with as well as personal nature in the process of communication with clients”. According to Ostrovskaya, the next module will provide acquaintance of hearers with “sequence” in correctional work. Also there will be discussed the issue of communicative aspects of speech and its understanding.
As a result of supervision all participants will receive a certificate of professional development of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.