Inclusion preparation for children


Preparing for inclusion of children with special educational needs (SEN), including autistic children, means the acquisition of those skills that will help them fully integrate into the educational process. These…

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Can autism be ‘treated’ by homeopathy?


This question is not often asked to the specialists of the ‘Child with future’ Foundation. But it would be advisable to clarify our position on this issue since homeopathy as…

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What are inclusive resource centers


The Inclusive Resource Center (IRC) is an organization that aims to realize the rights of children with special educational needs (SEN) to receive education in various educational institutions (including preschools).…

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Inclusion for autistic children in school


Inclusion for autistic pupils at school is one of the best ways to socialize special children and realize their right to education. Now the law № 2541-VIII is in force…

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Autism Remedial Educational Center


The Autism Remedial Educational (or Developmental) Center is a place that combines various activities for special children, which contributes to their rehabilitation. Today there are many such institutions in Ukraine,…

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Child psychologist for autistic child


In general, child psychologists solve three main tasks: helping adults understand what is happening with their child; helping the child overcome his difficulties; helping to establish contact and communication between…

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Inclusive class


To open an inclusive class in a regular school or other educational institution, parents of a child with special educational needs (SEN) must apply to the head of the educational…

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