Sensory integration in Ukraine: this will be discussed by neuropsychologist Tatiana Kostritskaya during the Second International Practical Conference on Autism

Sensory integration, or sensory integration therapy, is becoming more and more popular in Ukraine. Indeed, body formation, coordination of movements, and emotional balance depend on the correct functioning of the sensory system. Also, this fact affects concentration, as well as speech, reading, writing, and thinking in general.

The most common is the sensory integration method proposed by occupational therapist Jean Ayres in the late 1960s. Tatyana Kostritskaya, a specialist in sensory integration, a neuropsychologist, will tell the audience about this method at the Second International Practical Conference on Autism.

She will clearly define the criteria for quality therapy and will tell how sensory integration according to J. Ayres differs from sensory stimulation and other types of corrective intervention. Also, based on the experience of colleagues from the US, the speaker will share information about the work standards of a specialist.

The Second International Practical Conference on Autism ‘IPAC-2020’ will be held online on November 21-22 and 28-29. The topic of the event will be inclusion and family support. 18 international and Ukrainian experts will speak at the Conference.

Learn more about the conference and how to get there: