Телеканал Гамма. Программа “Наголос”. Родители детей с аутизмом подают заявление в Прокуратуру на МОЗ. 18 ноября 2015 You Might Also Like The Second International Practical Conference on Autism IPAC-2020 20.09.2021 In May issue of “Autism Today” you`ll get to know about the Asian experience of work with children, story of Danya from Chernovtsy and English for people with ASD 31.05.2017 The Day of Tolerance for schoolchildren 21.11.2018
In May issue of “Autism Today” you`ll get to know about the Asian experience of work with children, story of Danya from Chernovtsy and English for people with ASD 31.05.2017