10 years of activity of the ‘Child with Future’ Foundation demonstrated the urgent need to create an international communication platform for Ukrainian parents, domestic and foreign industry experts to exchange knowledge and experience about autism. This led to the organization and holding of IPAC International Practical Conferences on Autism with the involvement of world-class speakers.
The first International Conference on Autism IPAC-2019 showed a huge demand for the practice of Ukrainian and international experts who work daily with the problems of autistic people of different ages.
For 2 years, the ‘Çhild with Future’ Foundation managed to attract more than 30 recognized world experts and high-level professionals from Ukraine, Israel, the EU, the USA, and other countries. More than 500 listeners had the opportunity to take part in the event – parents, teachers, tutors, educators, representatives of the IRC, government agencies and public organizations, doctors, psychologists, and everyone who wants to join the best world practices and information about ASD. In such a short period of time, participants have joined 60 hands-on workshops and workshops on various aspects of autism spectrum disorders.
IPAC, which is traditionally held annually at the end of November, has become the first and most informational platform in Eastern Europe for discussing and solving problems in autism for people of different ages at the Ukrainian and global levels. Therefore, the IPAC International Practical Conferences on Autism is a magnet for demonstrating the best domestic and international experience and practices, sharing knowledge among professionals and parents, which will be held for the third time this year – on November 13 and 14, 2021.
The topic of the current meeting is “Autistic adolescents and youth: development, health, support”. It is one of the most relevant problems in Ukraine and in the world. This is due to the rather high saturation of the information space with issues of disorder in preschool children, but there is still very little information on ASD in adolescents and adults.
The conference will be attended by 25 Ukrainian and international speakers who work daily with autistic people, persons with alalia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other mental disorders. Conference participants will have 20 hands-on workshops that will be held online and offline.
Detailed information about the Third International Practical Conference on Autism (IPAC-2021), the program, and the participation fee expect in the near future on our news and on Facebook.
We remind you that in 2019 the First International Practical Conference on Autism IPAC-2019 was held, the presentation of which you can see here or follow the link for detailed information about the event.
In 2020, the Second International Practical Conference on Autism IPAC-2020 was held in an online format, the presentation of which you can see here or follow the link for detailed information about the event.