February 12 the second training of Volunteers project “Befriender” starts its work. It will be “Communication and basis for the behavior’s analysis in working with children with autism. Work in the family”. Trainer is Irina Kalinichenko, practical psychologist, who works with ABA alternative communication system, methods of evaluation and correction of behavior.
The training will include such components as “Child is a personality”, “Perception of children with autism”, students will become familiar with the features of the behavior of children with autism and learn proper communication with them. There will be a separate component “Dialogue with parents of child with special needs”.
We remind that the project aim is to train volunteers to communicate with families raising children with autism. Training program will be resulted by free social assistance to families with children with special needs, in particular with autism, which are in difficult situations.
26 volunteers participate in the Project.
All questions please address to Project coordinator Kateryna Dudkina Kateryna.dudkina@gmail.com 067 231 80 81